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Soul-Guided Living Radio Show
Tuesdays at 3:00 pm ET / 12:00 pm PT

Soul-Guided Living is a lifestyle empowering you to listen, align and act your way to living your soul’s calling. Join your host, Dr. Laurel Geise, and her expert guests as they share practical tools to support your personal growth so you can live your best life now. Click here to listen: bit.ly/SoulGuidedLivingRadioShow


Beyond Health: Intellectual, Emotional & Physical Wellness

Dr. Laurel Geise welcomes Kimberly Wise, a speaker, trainer, wellness coach and Master Educator at the Chopra Center for Wellbeing. Her most recent collaboration with Deepak Chopra is the new online course, Secrets to Vibrant Health. Kimberly shares tools and strategies that are easy to implement so you can live with more energy, joy and passion. Click here to listen: http://ow.ly/Lckho

Discovering Your Soul Vows

Dr. Laurel Geise welcomes author, writer and radio host Janet Conner to share with you wisdom from her newest book, Soul Vows. Soul vows are your personal path to the peak experiences we all seek: authenticity, integrity, wholeness and the vibrant presence of the Divine. Join us as we explore how we can each discover our soul vows and live in alignment with our soul. Click here to listen: http://ow.ly/LuccD

Succeeding in Spite of Everything

Dr. Laurel Geise welcomes best-selling author Deanna L. Robinson who shares how a life-threatening crisis brought her into alignment with her soul. Just like her book, Succeeding in Spite of Everything, Deanna triumphed over adversity and engages in an open conversation about the blessings of failure, developing a gratitude practice, and releasing the negatives in our life. Click here to listen: http://ow.ly/LNkkX

Revealing the Masterpiece Within

Dr. Laurel Geise welcomes best-selling author Guy Scholtz and entertainment artist Claudia Church, who are co-authors of The Masterpiece Within. Creating a meaningful life story can be difficult due to the self-defeating personal beliefs we accumulate throughout our life. Guy and Claudia share specific life skills to help your life become a living work of art. Click here to listen: http://ow.ly/M84zZ