As Christ consciousness enters our hearts, the vibration is sensed as a low-grade hum throughout the body. The electric current inside of us is permeating all of our cells, igniting within them the memory of our natural state. At first the vibration may feel strange because our physical bodies are not used to perceiving the energetic flow. Over time, however, the hum of God’s love moving through our bodies becomes as natural as breathing. In fact, as we first become aware of the vibration, there may be moments when it seems to fade. It is at this juncture that we understand it is possible to maintain this divine vibration. Once we shift our mental perception and physical experience, we open our hearts to invite more waves of Christ consciousness to flow through us.
With the constant flow of Christ consciousness through us, we begin to naturally vibrate at this level of existence. It is this level of vibration that activates our higher senses, allowing the kingdom of God to surround us. Jesus taught that the kingdom of God is within you and around you. He is telling us that the vibration and senses that are activated in this state of consciousness give us the ability to live as Christ lived; breathing in divine grace, performing miracles, teaching others of the beauty of kingdom consciousness, and being a beacon of God’s love and light. It is in this spirit that we walk into the kingdom together and live as Jesus Christ lived. As we hum with God’s love, let us each acknowledge the existence of Christ consciousness within us and accept an activation of the realm of kingdom consciousness in our lives. Now we can begin to truly live as Christ lived and give as he gave to all people.
Jesus embodied the divine presence of a level of consciousness that allowed the expression of an extraordinary life. In each of us dwells the seeds of consciousness, the tiny mustard seed that can move mountains. Jesus shared that it is with the faith the size of a mustard seed that when you say move to the mountain, it will move. This parable illustrates that we can be that energy that moves the natural order of the world. As we open to embody the divine presence, we become the conduit of the holy energy of God.
The miracles that Jesus performed were benchmarks of human performance. They are a road map of human evolution presented to us so that we may pick up the map and follow it to our divine destiny. Jesus dd no want to be placed on a pedestal and worshiped as someone greater than ourselves. Jesus wanted us to understand what we are capable of and to step forth into our fullest potential. Jesus did not mingle with kings and queens; he lived with the poor, the disenfranchised, and the outcasts. He did not perceive that he was greater than other people; he was teaching the most ordinary of people how extraordinary they could be if they followed his teachings.
As a teacher, Jesus shared many stories and parables to illustrate our potential. He was teaching the concepts of right words, right actions, and right deeds. In the Bible, Jesus is said to have performed miracles. However, were they really miracles, if Jesus said we could do as he did and even more? Were his actions a normal part of human existence that have been suppressed? Did each miracle appear to be an action beyond our human potential simply because our greatness has not yet seen the light of day?
If we use Jesus’s words as encouragement and open our souls to the road map he has given us, each one of us can live and thrive in the kingdom consciousness that is our birthright. Let’s dip deeper into his words and see if we can glimpse the miraculous in the opening of our true and authentic potential.
Let’s try the following exercise to feel the hum of God’s love. First, find a quiet place where you can sit down comfortably without distractions. Once you are seated, close your eyes. Now, take in a deep breath and let it flow all the way to the base of your spine. Feel the exhalation and allow yourself to sink into a space of relaxation. As you continue to relax, feel yourself expanding out beyond the borders of your physical body. Allow your awareness to feel into the consciousness that surrounds you and is inside of you. The hum of God’s love is always there. It is inside and outside of you. Now, as you are opening yourself to feel the vibration, become aware of the energy that is moving through your body. You will begin to feel a hum, a very low grade hum permeating your cells. Feel the hum expand into your energy circuits and your bloodstream. Breathe deeply into the energy as it moves through your body. As you continue to focus on the energy, you will notice that your body begins to open up even further to the hum. You can feel it in your head, your heart, your hands and your toes. The feeling of the hum of God’s love in your body is now fully engaged and you can feel the energy lift you higher in awareness. Let the hum continue to expand. Anchor this feeling in your body. Remember this hum and know it as your natural state of vibration.
The repetitive anchoring of this vibration in your body will lead to your conscious activation of the hum of God’s love in every moment of your life. Now that you have felt it, you know what is possible. When we live from this place of humming with God’s love, the doors to our potential swing wide open and beckon us to live a life imbued with Christ consciousness. Take three minutes every day and anchor this vibration in your body. Feel the hum. Know the hum. And live with this hum as your guide to unleashing your true authentic purpose in the world.
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Thank you for the lovely exercise.